whicH way wE cHoosE To Love some1???
iF u Love some1
bcoz u Think that
he/she realLy gorgeus,,
Then it's noT Love...
iT's inFaTuaTion..
iF u Love some1 bcoz u Think u
sHouLdn't Leave hiM/heR
bcoz oThers
Think ThaT u sHouLdn't,,
TheN iT's noT Love...
iT's coMpRomise..
iF u Love somE1 bcoz u Think u can'T
Live wiThouT his/heR Touch,,
Then iT's noT Love...
iT's a LusT..
iF u Love some1 bcoz u can'T LeavE
him/her ThinkiNg ThaT iT wouLd hurT
his/her feeLings,,
TheN iT's noT Love...
iT's cHariTy...
iF u Love somE1 bcoz u sHare everThing
wiTh him/her,,
TheN iT's noT Love...
iT's fRieNdsHip...
buT iF u feeL The paiN oF The oTher
person more Than him/heR even wheN
he/she is sTabLe and u cRy for
That's Love...
if u geT attracted To There peopLe but
sTay wiTh him/her withouT anY regrets,,
That's Love..
iF u LeT him/her go knowiNg that
he/she has To go buT he/she doesn'T
wanT To,,
That's Love...
(dari bulbonya sagit wktu ntu..)He5x